
El Paso-centric info and commentary from the Center of North America

NPT Capitol: A map of Texas’ uninsured

uninsured Statistical map showing county by county the plight of the uninsured in Texas.

It also highlights vast disparities across the State – east to west, border to interior.

Earlier today, State Senator Eliot Shapleigh, D-El Paso, held a press conference on the issue of Texas’ floundering health-care system. Texas has the nation’s highest percentage of uninsured people, said Shapleigh, adding that El Paso is the most uninsured big city in America. Shapleigh also said that El Paso would need around 700 new doctors and 2000 new nurses to keep pace with the expansion of Fort Bliss. But the El Paso Senator remains optimistic about Texas’ health-care system…providing the state Legislature act now.

“Certainly among lawmakers I talk to there is hope,” said Shapleigh who has filed several health-care related bills including ones that would expand CHIP to 300% of the national poverty level, pull down more federal matching funds and make it easier for Texas to hire health professionals.

You can watch Shapleigh’s press release here

Written by newspapertreeelpaso

February 9, 2009 at 2:18 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

2 Responses

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  1. If Senator Shapleigh was as concerned about stopping illegal imigration as he is about insuring them, we would not be the most uninsured county in the US.

    charles Williams

    February 10, 2009 at 3:55 pm

  2. Omama’s first move toward socialist medicine. Why are these people uninsured? Socialised medicine won’t increase the number of providers or hospital beds or medications, the result will be rationing.

    Ken G

    February 10, 2009 at 6:43 pm

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